with Ortrun and Carl Franklin
October Topic –Understanding the Ascension Process
Owen Waters has identified twelve steps in the Ascension Process. Where are you in this process? Where is humanity in this process? What is the next step? What is the final destination? In this program, we will take a long range view, as we explore these vital questions. Before the show, give some thoughts to these questions. During the show share your thoughts and insights. All will benefit more fully as we grow together in awareness.
JOIN Carl and Ortrun exploring this intriguing topic.
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UTCCarl and Ortrun Franklin Monday, October 19 at 5:00pm PacificSPIRITUAL ASCENSION
with Ortrun and Carl Franklin
October Topic –Understanding the Ascension Process
Owen Waters has identified twelve steps in the Ascension Process. Where are you in this process? Where is humanity in this process? What is the next step? What is the final destination? In this program, we will take a long range view, as we explore these vital questions. Before the show, give some thoughts to these questions. During the show share your thoughts and insights. All will benefit more fully as we grow together in awareness.
JOIN Carl and Ortrun exploring this intriguing topic.https://events.iteleseminar.com/index.php?eventID=75056088