When is time to quit? In Hollywood there is a phrase called "jumping the shark" where a television show has run out of steam and is struggling to create shows of the same quality they had produced in the shows early years. It normally means they created an outrageous or far fetched show to try to draw in viewers.
In life there are many times when we know we are done with something, or we know we should make a change and yet we hold on. Or we try too hard to make something happen and it just fizzles.
This show we are going to talk about our own Jump the Shark moments and how we can get clear of when it is time to move on.
Join us on our Facebook event page for chat before during and after the show: https://www.facebook.com/events/309501425888880
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UTCDancing With Life Radio (Jumping the Shark) with Carol Woodliff & Susan Kay WyattWhen is time to quit? In Hollywood there is a phrase called "jumping the shark" where a television show has run out of steam and is struggling to create shows of the same quality they had produced in the shows early years. It normally means they created an outrageous or far fetched show to try to draw in viewers.
In life there are many times when we know we are done with something, or we know we should make a change and yet we hold on. Or we try too hard to make something happen and it just fizzles.
This show we are going to talk about our own Jump the Shark moments and how we can get clear of when it is time to move on.
Join us on our Facebook event page for chat before during and after the show: https://www.facebook.com/events/309501425888880https://events.iteleseminar.com/index.php?eventID=58746207