Do you think you need to be doing all the time? Are you one of those people who judge yourself when you need downtime? Have you been working really hard and aren't happy with the way things are going.
Join shaman and author Carol Woodliff and Susan Kay Wyatt as we talk about some key things to remember when you get tired and frustrated.
You can join us for chat before during and after the show on our Facebook event page:
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UTCDancing with Life Radio (Tired of the Dance?) With Carol Woodliff & Susan Kay WyattDo you think you need to be doing all the time? Are you one of those people who judge yourself when you need downtime? Have you been working really hard and aren't happy with the way things are going.
Join shaman and author Carol Woodliff and Susan Kay Wyatt as we talk about some key things to remember when you get tired and frustrated.
You can join us for chat before during and after the show on our Facebook event page: