Don't you wish life came with a warranty? That you got a guarantee that if you took path X it would all work out the way you wanted it to?
Join Shaman and author Carol Woodliff as we talk about how this very human desire for a warranty or guarantee.
Where are you good at going with the flow and taking risks and where do stop yourself because you aren't sure how it is all going to work out?
Join us on the Facebook event page for chat before during and after the show!
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UTCDancing With Life Radio (LIfetime Warranties) with Carol WoodliffDon't you wish life came with a warranty? That you got a guarantee that if you took path X it would all work out the way you wanted it to?
Join Shaman and author Carol Woodliff as we talk about how this very human desire for a warranty or guarantee.
Where are you good at going with the flow and taking risks and where do stop yourself because you aren't sure how it is all going to work out?
Join us on the Facebook event page for chat before during and after the show!